Tuesday 3 December 2019


My mouth hung open as I saw what appeared to be OpenAccess renamed! Indexes can be hash , b-tree , unique, compound, virtual and can be created online either using a utility, via a graphical user interface or via an API call. In addition, Versant offers the open-source database " db4o ". The XA API allows the Versant database to act as a resource controlled by an external transaction monitor coordinating changes to both Versant and relational databases in the same transactional context. Versant by default uses a pessimistic locking strategy to ensure that objects in the database server are in sync with client access in an ACID way. The opposite direction is also possible.

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There are restrictions in that Versant requires the application to use a concept known as database identity in order for replication to work with relations intact. This page was last edited on 19 Septemberat Archived from the original on December 21, When a queue is established by an update request, all other subsequent requests fall in queue behind the update request.

Versant (Versant Object Database, FastObjects) -

There are several mechanisms for replication on VOD that depend on the motivation behind the replication. Object-oriented fashobjects management systems. Also, you have the ability to "pin" objects into the client cache to prevent swapping of important sets of objects, enabling the use of direct memory pointers without concern for memory faults. Locks are generally released at transaction boundaries. As a truly embedded client-server database, FastObjects Client-Server Database offers features specifically designed for volume deployments including integrated object and schema versioning and zero database maintenance.

Posted 05 Feb Link to this post Hi Mark, thanks for sharing your findings. Thingsand the extent variable can be given a nice name without Extent. It developed the open source embedded database technology db4o. These forms and others are used to optimize cache effectiveness when using non-default locking strategies like optimistic locking or when you have a series of transactions that form a task and operate on the same set of objects. Shared information referenced from object graphs that reside in other databases and resolution of vetsant information is transparent at runtime.

For example, several physical databases may hold user information models that are partitioned by account number holding aggregations on account activities such as trades and then have some more databases holding actual trade models and these users and trades can be related. The Versant Object Database enables developers using object oriented languages to transactionally versang their information by allowing the respective language to act as the Data Definition Language DDL for the database.

The difference is that instead of targeting tables and columns, it targets classes and attributes. Architecture FastObjects Client-Server Database consists of a core database server system that provides the essential client-server database functionality and a set of client-side application libraries that are linked into the application executable.

NET intermediate language code enhancer and schema generator. Versant provides consulting to help these customers with their integration challenges, but does not make those solutions, which require customization for each application, available in a productized form. Retrieved 18 October Internal caching improves the Server's runtime performance.

Versant Object Database - Wikipedia

The query optimizer utilizes bersant to accelerate application performance. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. VOD supports indexes on large collections. In the default case, this will release the lock and object from memory.

In essence, XML coming from relational databases are converted to objects at runtime using JAXB and those objects are then persisted into the Versant database.

verssant For example, a query targeting a super class will return all instances of concrete subclasses that satisfy the query predicate. When an object is loaded, all its non-reference attributes primitives are also loaded and remaining reference types follow the same pattern fastojects the referencing object. VOD handles distributed data processing using a distributed two-phase commit protocol across multiply connected databases.

Thread is closed for posting. An administrator uses a utility to define replication channels.

Versant's FastObjects.NET...

All of this is handled without any user involvement. Enhancement is then done using a utility similarly with. However it is not necessary to have a collection in order to have a queryable object with a usable index.

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